Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Babes update!

Hi Universe!

Well the last month has seen a lot if change for little Sonya and Luke.  Luke started solid food on that historic day of pi.  Adorable video below.  Sonya started solids in the first day of spring,  another adorable video below.

In general,  parenthood has been a pretty wild ride, but there has been such an explosion of growth these last few weeks, that it has been quite amazing to watch.  Luke's persistent frustration has calmed down a bit as he now has a jumper and can do a few things with his hands. For instance: he can put almost his whole hand in his mouth (and actually stuffs enough fingers in to make himself gag). He still doesn't have much upper body strength, and is quite resistant to tummy time.  He remains very thoughtful, and quite willful.. if he doesn't like something he'll let you know. We have also switched from a general 3 hr routine to a more infant based schedule with naps, milk and food times.  Sonya has been quite content, and has mastered the art of tummy time (for about 15 min).  She is on the verge of rolling over thanks to Justin's tuck and roll classes.  Everyone said solid food poo is much worse than formula poo.. everyone was right.  PS. We did not follow the AAP guidelines about waiting six months to start solids.. mostly because Luke's a beast...90% in weight.  We did a photo shoot with some spring clothes last week, and here they are: