Sunday, December 14, 2014


Hi Universe,
I am writing this as sort of a personal dumping of ideas about the many things going on around me. Consider it therapy of sorts, or maybe its documenting my life in a way I haven't done before.  Maybe it is a way for Luke and Sonya to get to know me before I was just their dad.   I'm not going back to work for several more weeks, and this project may go to the wayside once life gets even more insane, but I'll take the gift of time and walk with it.

So since I am lucky enough to have the time, Ill start by sharing a few details.  My life has really been a roller coaster.  It's a bit long, so I'll get you all caught up. I'm currently 30, only three times now,  and have been married to my husband for 2 years.  I've been out since 2006, when I basically did a 360 and life changed dramatically.  I was a devout Muslim in the past, and I'm pretty close to being a Universalist now.  I believe wholeheartedly in a few things: that fundamentally most people are good, and that the human race will always survive, even better than the cockroaches. That is because of our ability to innovate; to create a brand new world, better than world before it.  What defines if the next generation will be better than the last? Only our labor and actions.  I will never adhere to a philosophy that things were better "then", because I live in the now.  If something isnt the way you want it to be.. fix it.  Sure I've made mistakes, but the best part about living in the present and for the future is the no mistake needs to be permanent.  We can change and evolve and make tomorrow better than yesterday.   

So now, more about the babies, my two little dreams, Lukman (Luke) and Sonya.  I am currently sitting with my husband, a great man, and listening to Snow Patrol while holding these two sweeties on our chests.  There is so many emotions to all this.

My husband, Justin, is really the nicest person I know.  His heart is gentle, and he is always so kind.  We met in San Francisco, and have been together for the last four years.  I love him so much.  He makes me everyday so happy.  About two years ago, we decided to pursue surrogacy as an option to have children.  We both wanted children very much, and considered this as our best option.  After several countries, agencies, attempts later, all mostly done by amazing husband, on November 9th 2014 we were gifted with Lukman and Sonya Jensen.  Its been a whole month and they are still kicking it... (although I did drop one from the couch... I wont say which one.. S/he was suprisingly mobile).  For most gay couples, kids are a no -go. Mostly people say its too much work, etc.. couples both hetero and homo describe studies in decreasing happiness.  But to me, children are such a source of joy, warmth.. a way to learn how beautiful life is once again after you've finally got the hang of it.  People have children for many reasons,  some out of expectation, some out of happenstance, some to relive their own childhood, but I think we had kids because we believe in their future.  We want these little guys to live in that future world, contribute to it, make it a better place.  We want them to find happiness, to find love, and maybe invent that hover skateboard I've been waiting for since Back to the Future.  

Things I hope to discuss in this blog: are my passions: these cuties of course.. and my other interests.. medicine and politics.  I love following politics,  I am center left.  I fully acknowledge and appreciate all the world has given me, and I hope to help the future children of the world get the same benefits as me, hopefully without the crippling debt. :P  I believe in education, science and civil rights.  I am very lucky to be an American, but we clearly have made mistakes (the CIA torture report just came out)   I am an avid Obama supporter, because even though the middle has been left bare in politics these days, he has stuck to a moderate position in almost all things, which I respect and am proud of.  My more conservative positions are in foreign affairs, disability funding, and some entitlement reform.  

I will of course rant about my other passion, medicine as well.  I am a nephrologist and internist; a nephrologist is a kidney doctor.  We deal with such things as kidney transplantation, dialysis and chronic kidney disease.  The politics of medicine is a hot button issue with me.. but i also just to love to discuss interesting cases. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray to you for believing in the future, and living in the present with your wonderful family. We would all benefit from believing in the future's hope and promise of an increasingly better life for the human race.
